Craig is an action-oriented problem solver whose career has been dedicated to building resilience in small cities and rural areas. He is an out of the box thinker and strong leader. Craig has extensive experience in city management, community and economic development, downtown redevelopment, housing, neighborhood revitalization and leadership training and development. Craig currently serves as the President of Craig Lindholm Consulting, LLC. Previously he served in several city management and economic development roles for cities throughout East Texas.

Craig’s career in municipal government has spanned over twenty years and he has worked in executive management for forty years. During his career he has initiated numerous community and economic development projects which have improved the quality of life and standard of living for thousands of residents in small cities and rural communities. His passion is building communities, not simply cities. He assists community leaders become better stewards of their communities, making the positive decisions which will benefit lives of future generations. He thrives on vision and consensus building between local government, private sector, education, and non-profits.